Visitors 28
Modified 28-Feb-10
Created 28-Feb-10
0 photos
The weather was great for this time of year for the Springtime Open at Rockford. Saturday started out with 11 shooters in the Doubles event.The winner was Dave Schultz with a 99/100.
We then went into the 12ga event with 15 shooters, and the winner was Doug Keister with a perfect 100/100. He was shooting rather well this day. The next event was 20ga, with 14 shooters, and once again Doug Keister shot another perfect score 100/100.
Sunday was a another day, by the time 9:00am rolled around the wind started picking up, but the sun was shining. 28ga stared at 9:00that morning. with hope of high scores. We had two shooters that shot 95/100, and that was Dan Doubblestine and Doug Keister. When the smoke cleared after the shoot-off, Doug once again prevailed as the winner.
The little gun, 410 went as well as it has in the past. the wind always seems to pick up at that time. But some of the scores were good.The winner of the 410 event was Dan Doubblestine with a 96/100.
We want to thank all the shooters that came to Rockford.
Statement courtesy of Dan Vincent